Major in what you love. Medical schools do not care what you major in. What they do expect is that you like/love what you study and excel in that discipline.

Looking at the numbers, Biology majors apply to medical school more than any other major. For the matriculating class of 2020, 58% of applicants to medical school were Biology majors whereas all of the Humanities majors combined only represented 3.2% of the applicant pool. As you can see from the numbers below, the matriculation rate per major is roughly the same thus further evidence that you should major in what you love.

Statistics for the entering class of medical school 2020, according to the MSQ/2020:

  • Number of Applicants: 53,030. Number of Matriculants: 22,239. (41.9% acceptance rate)

  • 30,921 Biology majors applied and 12,845 matriculated (41.5% acceptance rate)

  • 4,680 Physical Science majors applied and 2,240 matriculated (47.8% acceptance rate)

  • 1,738 Humanities majors applied and 832 matriculated (47.8% acceptance rate)

  • 4,810 Social Science majors applied and 1,991 matriculated (41.3% acceptance rate)

  • 342 Math and Statistics majors applied and 156 matriculated (45.6% acceptance rate)

Last Updated October 2021