Vet School Interview Links and Tips


Multiple Mini Interviews are just what the title suggests. Instead of one or two longer interviews with just one or two individuals that could invite bias, applicants are placed in multiple (6-10) smaller stations on a timed circuit of about 6-10 minutes at each stop. Think…speed dating. The virtual MMIs seems to be more on the 6 min. cycle whereas in the in person MMIs were more on the 8-10 min. cycle. Stations can include tasks, interviews or scenarios that test for the most part your analytical and communication skills. Since the applicant interacts with many different people in multiple scenarios, schools can elicit various opinions and observations from the day. If a student feels they performed weak on one station they might excel at the next.  Below are some resources to better understand the format of MMIs and subsequently how to prepare for these interviews. To learn the basics of MMIs, read the AAMC description of MMIs. Although this is for medical school applicants, the same concepts will apply to vet school applicants. Vet schools will still use the MMI format in the virtual interviews by moving you into breakout rooms on a circuit. Since this is a virtual format, you may be cut off mid-sentence so plan accordingly. They usually have a timer on the screen, however, so you can judge when to wrap up your ending. The admissions person on the screen may or may not smile or otherwise engage with you. Don’t be surprised if they give you a stone cold look. Don’t let this throw you off. Carry on! Answer the question. Remember to smile and engage with each interviewer using more animated facial expressions……not too animated but realize it’s harder to see emotion and enthusiasm via zoom. Some schools like Texas A&M use the Kira Talent format for their MMIs. Read more about Kira below.



Like CASPer, Kira Talent is another online platform (designed by the Canadians, again) to assess your professional competencies. It’s popular with professional business schools and a few vet schools use this platform, but no med schools. It includes 2-6 questions (short video and writing). Just so you know, spelling and grammar count on the Kira and the length of each scenario/questions can vary since each school can tailor the length to fit their school specifications. Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine utilize Kira for their MMIs.